Developer log 5: week three of production

This week contains more awesome stuff we added to the game! Let us show you what we added.

New features

The firefly behavior

The firefly can now chase you when you are in his range, and shoot projectiles at you.

Enemies drop score on death

When you manage to kill an enemy it will drop score for you to pick up.

Loot crate

The loot crate opens when you hit it with any attack, and drops some score and sometimes even a health drop.

cockroach chase behavior

The cockroach follows the player when he is in range and even avoids the environment and jumps on other platforms, so it won't be easy getting rid of this one.

New art

Level environment

Our artists were busy decorating the level and this is the result so far.

kick animation

Our character has an amazing kicking animation to kick ass!

Get Shoenobi

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