Developer log 2: Gameplay Prototype

Gamplay Prototype:

This week we made a basic game prototype including

  • Character:
  • We made our simple movement: horizontal movement, jump, dash, stomp. When the player dashes he is immune to damage and travels really fast in the direction he is facing while dealing damage. If the player is high enough he can perform a stomp attack, travelling straight down and on impact dealing damage and pushing enemies away.
  • Enemy:
    Enemies lay dorment until the player is close enough and then will start chasing the player. If the enemy hits the player, the player will be knocked back.
  • Camera:
    By using cinemachine we can easily create a good camera which follows the player and tilts when the player travels vertically.
  • Powerups:
    We implemented 3 powerups: increased health, increased damage, speed increase. The effect of each powerup is randomly decided when it spaws.


This week we finalized our artbible with more specific instructions . we worked out the Style , Rfx ,  Proportions ,  and we also expanded on the Shape , Color and Shaders and so on..

Our art style will resemble something close to Grounded , with its big eyed bugs . With the mood of the game, resembling Ori. Unlike  Ori our background will be made up of layered meshes in a foggy environment.

Unity Pipeline

We decided to use urp Pipeline in unity because it gives good performance to make sure most devices can run our game.

Files 20 MB
Mar 01, 2021

Get Shoenobi


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